
Meet the Creator

Jack Smyrnis is a 20-year-old born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jack enjoys working on web development, computer hardware, socializing with friends, and getting outside in the summer!


Profesional Skills

Jack Smyrnis is a dynamic IT professional with expertise in IT support, project management, and network infrastructure. Proficient in cloud services, server administration, and automation, Jack excels in problem-solving and innovation. His versatile skills span Docker, Windows, Apple products, AI integration, and ChatGPT utilization. Jack's resourcefulness is showcased in troubleshooting through forums, reflecting his adaptability and continuous learning in the evolving tech industry.

Server Administration (Unraid)
Project Management
router Networking Infrastructure
Process Improvement Strategies

• Cloud Services Management
• Server Administration (Unraid)
• Automation Processes
• Web Hosting and Development
• Docker Container Management
• AI Integration and ChatGPT Utilization
• Point of Sale (POS) Systems
• Computer Hardware Knowledge
• Inventory Management
• Game Server Administration
• Reverse Proxy Configuration
• VPN Setup
• Sonarr and Radarr Automation
• Usenet Automation
• Windows Operating System
• Apple Product Familiarity
• Arduino Proficiency
• Raspberry Pi Proficiency
• Adaptability in Problem Resolution
• Collaborative Problem-Solving
• Continuous Learning


Home Lab

Skynett, Put Simply, is Jack's personal homelab. A homelab is a personal setup of computers and networking gear at home, used for hands-on learning, experimentation, and testing of various IT-related technologies. In my case, Jack hosts services on his server for personal and privatized usage.


Home Lab

Skynett, Put Simply, is Jack's personal homelab. A homelab is a personal setup of computers and networking gear at home, used for hands-on learning, experimentation, and testing of various IT-related technologies. In my case, Jack hosts services on his server for personal and privatized usage.


Home Lab

Skynett, Put Simply, is Jack's personal homelab. A homelab is a personal setup of computers and networking gear at home, used for hands-on learning, experimentation, and testing of various IT-related technologies. In my case, Jack hosts services on his server for personal and privatized usage.